The Hypocritic Oath

By putting obedience before listening, one may be reserving the option of making due with mere performance even as one commits one’s self in words that carry the vitality of aspiration, one is flinching from the radical demand of those very words. Aviva Gottlieb Zornberg

Commitment. We all have our various means of desiring to change, choosing a path of transformation, and then mustering the will to follow-through.

Often we turn to ritual, contract, or other form of pledge that marks the moment our new journey begins to assert that we will, in fact, do what we say we will do. We make New Year’s resolutions, buy gym memberships, or announce our goal to family and friends to hold us accountable.

This longstanding approach – longing for change, choosing a methodology, and then attempting to seal the commitment – is fraught with tenuous threads that cannot hold the weight of our convictions.

Transformation rarely occurs without first immersing ourselves – our souls – in truth. We first listen. We drink deeply of the divine until truth overwhelms us within, prompting action without as in inherent by-product.

Today we take a journey backwards from our written, verbal, and internal vows that we will change until we arrive at the wellspring of transformation. From here, we can journey back to the surface, taking with us the boon that eliminates the need for empty promises and giving us – and others – the real power we need for change.

Source Scripture

Matthew 5:33-37


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Recommended Reading

The Hidden Order of Intimacy by Avivah Gottlieb Zornberg

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