The Age of Exploration

We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time. T. S. Eliot

In the Age of Exploration, Europeans began to venture beyond their long-held geographical and social confines to wander in and observe the territory beyond. They beheld spectacular new and colorful species of flora and fauna.  They discovered new lands – including the first recorded sightings of the continent of Australia. And they encountered new cultures whose languages, belief systems and ways of life were nothing like their own.  

These revelations toppled deep-rooted paradigms, cultivating the framework for the coming Age of Enlightenment and the scientific revolution.  

Discovery begets truth. Begets transformation. 

And discovery begins with exploration.

The impulse to explore has largely been stunted in our time by the erroneous assumption nothing remains to explore. We’ve mapped the earth. We have GPS systems to tell us exactly where we are at any given time. We’ve been to the moon. We’ve sent probes to Mars and even beyond the edge of our solar system. Our telescopes now give us glimpses of the furthest shores of the Universe. Microscopes have deconstructed the atom and beyond.

We have relinquished real exploration to the experts, and we wait for them to sift through the discoveries and highlight what might be meaningful to us in our morning papers and Sunday sermons. And in so doing, we have lost the experience of discovery, settling for filtered reports from the frontiers’ edges. 

This lack of experiential exploration has left us yearning for something more. Something that the information and technology revolutions have failed to give us.

The call to explore whispers still, beckoning you to begin a new age of exploration – one that takes you on a captivating journey that leads beyond everything you think is true and into the truth itself. A journey that leads to discoveries that topple deep-rooted paradigms and cultivate a framework that can lead to total fulfillment that transforms your life into one of meaning, beauty, love, joy, peace – into everything you long for and everything you hope to be. 

A journey that leads to the center of you. And what you find there – who you find there – is the greatest discovery of all.

Source Scripture

Matthew 11:1-6Luke 7:18-23


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