Lost No More

Garish, your caricature 

Perish the fair at your

Ceaseless libations and

Peace-less privations

Absent, your poets

While present - all-know-its

Whose knowing is depth-less

Ne'er sensing the breathless

All wonders surceasing

Misunders e’er fleecing

You of your true nature

For what? Nomenclature

Flatlander, look up.

Definitions took up

And away founts of splendor

Until counts surrender

Beyond all reduction

A grand introduction

To your ground of being

To laughter - to seeing

Let truth and spirit meld

Transcendent joy beheld

Reverie, mystery

Every bliss for thee

But first you must let go

Of this-that and yes-no

Of dual divisions

That dull mystic visions

Of purpose and meaning

Of rapturous gleaning

Of music forgotten

Of soul-light begotten

Now come to your senses

Not those five - essences

Divine resonation

Oh, numinous station!

Metamorphosis realized

Birthed again, alchemized

Lost no more, I now attune

My soul to One, in bliss, commune