Avant-Garde Duty

What the modern cultural environment has required of us is an enormous extroversion of attention and energy for the purpose of reshaping the Earth into a global industrial economy. For two centuries we have been subordinating the planet and our deepest personal needs to that project. This great act of collective alienation…lies at the root of both the environmental crisis and individual neurosis. In some way, at some point, a change of direction, a therapeutic turning inward, had to take place within a culture as maniacally driven as ours has been by the need to achieve and conquer.Theodore Roszak 

These are bold words that call not just for simple regulatory nudges to facilitate moderate societal improvement. No, these words cry out for outright revolution that begs us wholeheartedly alter the trajectory of how we think and live.

There is a word in the New Testament that captures the essence of this kind of revolutionary call for change – internal change that then leads to corresponding external change. The word in Greek is metanoia. It means, literally, go beyond the mind or, alternatively, to think differently afterward. We translate this word in English as repent, which has the unfortunate connotation today of reducing this revolutionary change in thinking to a mere adjustment away from an isolated vice.

We explored the depths of this word as used by John the Baptizer in Episode 16, Beat the System, Part 1. Today, we’re going to explore Jesus’ choice to use it as his first word to launch his message to the world. And our focus will be on the destination of the revolutionary new trajectory to which he calls us: the kingdom of heaven.

The kingdom is a radical concept. It was then. It is now. That’s why it requires a radical adjustment to thinking, A transformed quality of attention – or metanoia – to see it and enter it. It defies preconceived notions.  It offers everyone a chance to enter and experience it. And it’s unlike anything that exists on earth.

What is the kingdom? Let’s seek the answer together.

Source Scripture

Matthew 4:12-17Mark 1:14-15Luke 4:14-15John 4:43-45


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The Gift of Sacred Rebuke

It may be the part of a friend to rebuke a friend’s folly. – J.R.R. Tolkien

When someone calls us out for doing something we know is wrong, it hurts. It stings. It hits us where we live.

And the cognitive dissonance that erupts in that moment elicits action. The ego’s impulse? Defend itself with one of its all-too-familiar tactics against the voice of rebuke: muffle, muzzle, discredit, destroy.

In the rush to defend ourselves, however, we would be better served to harness our swelling psychic forces and use them in service of the soul’s deep longing to know truth – even when that truth wounds us.

A rightful rebuke exposes our inner darkness – whether buried unknowingly in our shadow or in plain sight but hopefully hidden from others by some cunning veneer. 

And that darkness within us is the true source of the indignation we channel toward the rebuke. The very reason we have that reserve of repressed resentment at-the-ready is due to our extant spiritual dissonance over harboring the darkness in the first place. 

And so we must choose. We can protect the ego with misdirected energies that assail the rebuke, which only tightens the noose of inner tumult, or we can let those striking words find their intended mark and bring about the illumination that leads to transformation.

Source Scripture

Who is Really In Prison? Matthew 14:3-5Mark 6:17-20Luke 3:19-20


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No Two Ways About It

Comparison is the thief of joy. Theodore Roosevelt.

When we live centered in the self, we analyze the world around us in terms of what will benefit us most. And to do so, we must compare. And the easiest way to compare is to divide things into two parts and choose the one that seems better.

This habit is so foundational to the ego that it cannot imagine any other way to live. I prefer this to that. I have done more for you than you have done for me, so it’s your turn to serve me. My political party is better than yours. This sunset is not as pretty as yesterday’s.

The result of our habitual comparisons, we think, will be a better life. After all, we have surrounded ourselves with a collection of better people, places, and things.

The real result of this lifestyle is frustration in a number of ways…

  1. We are never satisfied, because everything can always be “better”
  2. We reduce people to transactions – I did this so you must do that.
  3. We develop a sense of entitlement. I deserve this.
  4. We habitually divide everything into two parts, never taking in the whole. This is called dualistic thinking.

In short, the ego’s dualistic and frazzled search for contentment produces just the opposite. It’s an endless dance

Today, we’ll look at the non-dual, soul-centered approach to finding contentment – and keeping it.

Source Scripture

None Compare John 3:22-36


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Email: info@awestruckpodcast.com


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