It’s Time to Strike Out

Woe to him who cannot tell the difference between the fear of objective truth—a truth which exposes us to our lies in order to show us the fundamental love at the heart of reality—and the fear of the false universe which our world injects into us. Jacob Needleman

Gravity is an objective reality – it exists whether we are conscious of it or not.  And gravity not only exists. It exerts. Its force acts upon us at all times. And as such, we construct our world in order to accommodate it – even when we aren’t conscious of it. At crucial times, to not have a keen awareness of the presence and power of gravity is to risk harm or death.

It is one thing to read in a book that the gravitational force exerted on a free-falling body results in an acceleration of that body of 9.8 m/s/s. It is quite another to thing  to lose your footing on the precipice of a steep cliff and realize that if you don’t regain your balance immediately, you will be that free-falling body.

Our modern way of thinking has created a false dichotomy between truth and experience. We have become obsessed with the reduction of truth into facts: atomic sentences and numbers and equations that we can use as a periodic table of elements.

But this obsession holds no real power. No matter how well you know that two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen combine to form water, this fact will not help you when you are on your knees in the desert and dying of thirst.

Water is life, and your experience of consuming it is vital.

Spiritual truths exemplify this need for active participation even more deeply.  A sacred text is not sacred because it reveals truth in written form. It is sacred when and only when the truth in the text connects the spirits of both reader and writer and the experience of sacred communion takes place.

Facts stripped of truth and immersive experience are lifeless at best and oppressive at worst. But when spirit meets truth – yours and the divine – you lose your mind and find your soul.

So if you’re stuck in your head and dying of thirst in a land of facts, it’s time to strike out on a new adventure.

Source Scripture

Matthew 7:28-29


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For Meditation

“The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders; where morning dawns, where evening fades, you call forth songs of joy.” Psalms‬ ‭65‬:‭8‬ ‭NIV‬‬

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I Just Can’t Wait to be King

To share out your soul freely, that is what metanoia (a change of mind, or repentance) really refers to: a mental product of love. A change of mind, or love for the undemonstrable. And you throw off every conceptual cloak of self-defense, you give up the fleshly resistance of your ego. Repentance has nothing to do with self-regarding sorrow for legal transgressions. It is an ecstatic erotic self-emptying. A change of mind about the mode of thinking and being. Christos Yannaras

The default mode of living for the ego is to establish itself as the center of the universe. To be king. Now. Without any more delay.

And when we choose to accept this quest of the ego as the default mode of thinking and being, we enter a life of ceaseless contention with the circumstances that thwart us and the people who can’t wait to be king themselves.

Blinded by this ambition, we trudge forward every day, analyzing our headway and modifying our strategy. It’s an exhausting and rarely fulfilling way to live. The few that do seem to make it become our idols and give us hope that we, too, can make it to the top.

And yet, though the ego knows no other way to live, the soul does. There exists within us a divine calling to shed the ego’s skin and become our true selves. And this mode of thinking and being is antithetical to the ego’s understanding. It is beyond thought, a concept captured in the Greek word metanoia.

The soul’s way of living involves letting go of the incessant campaign to be king and living another way – a way that exists beyond thought. It is the way of transformation.

Source Scripture

Four Score: John 5:31-40
Real Love Awaits: John 5:41-47
Relinquish Control: Matthew 12:1-8Mark 2:23-28Luke 6:1-5
On the Other Hand: Matthew 12:9-14Mark 3:1-6Luke 6:6-11
Spacing Out: Matthew 12:15-21Mark 3:7-12
Learning by Immersion Mark 3:13-19Luke 6:12-16

David Waits to be King: 1 Samuel 8 – 2 Samuel 2


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(Apple I Spotify)

Resources to Explore the Life of Etty Hillesum


Book: An Interrupted Life

Book: A Life Transformed

Quotes from Goodreads

Well, Well, Well

And all the time—such is the tragi-comedy of our situation—we continue to clamour for those very qualities we are rendering impossible.In a sort of ghastly simplicity we remove the organ and demand the function. We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honour and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful. –  C. S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man

Our seemingly wholehearted devotion to applying the scientific method to ascertain the nature of reality has produced in us a remarkable blindspot. Science, by definition, aims to discern objective truth through observation and experiment. 

But here’s the blindspot. While holding tightly to the belief that nothing can be true apart from scientific proof, we find ourselves in the possession of an inheritance of long-held theoretical truths that are yet to be proven or impossible to prove. And rather than employ the scientific method, we leave the decision to whim.

Enter the ego, whispering if it hasn’t been proventhen it must not be trueReject it if it suits you. 

We do this not because we are firm believers in science, but because our egos now have a loophole in which to exploit the realm of the unproven in order to to mine it for favorable resources.

Rather than seeking to discern universal, objective truth, we proceed with impunity to determine personal, subjective truth.

For example, it has long been held that forgiving your enemy when wronged is the only way to inner peace. But science has yet to prove this. The ego seizes this uncertainty to its advantages and proposes other, personal truths. Anger, hate, bitterness, vengeful fantasies, or outright retaliation.

The ego wants to determine truth in order to get what it wants. The soul longs to discern truth so it can fall into rhythm with it, live by it, and share it.

Today we will take a journey through time and space via sacred Scripture to three wells where we will discover those truths that exist in not in the domain of scientifically proven fact, but in the realm of the Logos, the Tao, the Way, the objective Truth of the Universe that permeates everything and reveals itself in the soul.

Let’s begin with well #1.

Source Scripture

The Woman at the Well: John 4:1-26


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The Chosen (Woman at the Well Scene: Watch Episode 8 beginning at 40:10)

Abraham Builds the First Altar in Israel in Shechem

Joshua Builds the Altar of Fulfillment in Shechem

Joshua Renews Abraham’s Covenant in Shechem

Levi and Simeon Take Murderous Revenge in Shechem

Joseph’s Bones are Carried from Egypt and Buried in Shechem

Joseph’s Story of Curses to Blessings (Read Genesis 37-50)

Jesus Carries the Government on His Shoulders (Shechem)