Must Be Present to Win

The divine is in the present and you must be present to experience it. When you vacate the present and recede into your mind, allowing worries or work to remove you from the moment, you leave the plain upon which the divine dwells. 

When you are constantly under the anesthetic of digital distraction, you withdraw; you are no longer conscious, and therefore are in no fit state to commune with the sacred. 

If you wish to hear the answers you seek, you must be present to hear them. If you wish to partake in the insights there to be known, you must be present to receive them. If you wish to know the divine, you must be present to meet it. L.M. Browning

The present moment. The here and now. The naked now. Can we ever actually get there? Stay there? Be there. When it calls, we are evasive. When we reach for it, it is elusive. When we do attain it, it is intensive. So intensive we may not be able to maintain it.

For the most part, we opt not to live in the present but in those two other, much easier states of attention: past and future. We wallow in the past, contorting our ability to live in the here and now. We hobble in regret, remorse, resentment, or we wish we could go back and relive something that seems better than what is in front of us at the moment.

Or we focus on the future: what could be, should be, what might be, what will be as far as we can tell.

Or – and this is where we really prove ourselves masters of dodging the present moment – we throw ourselves into distraction. We may not be caught up in the past or the future, but we’re not here. We’re checked out, sedating ourselves with screens, substances, and seizing anything and everything but the day.

Today, we’ll look at some practical steps to help you to live in the present. To seize the day. To be here, now. 

Source Scripture

The Woman at the Well – Part 3: John 4:39-42


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The Chosen (Woman at the Well Scene: Watch Episode 8 beginning at 40:10)