Beat the System, Part 2

Human beings must be known to be loved; but Divine beings must be loved to be known. – Blaise Pascal

To be loved is the greatest of all gifts. To be chosen. Pursued. Valued. Cherished. 

As with all things precious and invaluable, however, counterfeits arise, and with them a culture that has left us on a loveless spectrum somewhere between disoriented and despondent. We have become blind to true love, which embraces who we are, and instead joined the garish system of parading ourselves in costume in front of the masses in hopes of winning first prize. 

First prize, and even the lowest of consolation prizes, is nothing more than two costumes stitched together. When either one grows weary of the wardrobe, the source of union is lost. The love that never was is gone. 

True love wears no costume and expects none on you. The source of union in true love is the soul, and it knows no separation. .

There is an alternative to awaking every day to don your costumes of body image, career prestige, Instagram influence, and whatever else hangs in the closet – designed to conceal the real you in hopes of what at most will be an imitation extract of love. 

You don’t have to live this way. You don’t have to lure love. 

There is a way to beat the system.

Source Scripture

Love is All You Need: Matthew 3:13-17Mark 1:9-11Luke 3:21-22


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Beat the System, Part 1

Deprived of bread or the equal benefits of the commonwealth, the person shrivels. Obviously. And that is a clear line to fight on. But when the transcendent energies waste away, then too the person shrivels–though far less obviously. Their loss is suffered in privacy and bewildered silence; it is easily submerged in affluence, entertaining diversions, and adjustive therapy. Well fed and fashionably dressed, surrounded by every manner of mechanical convenience and with our credit rating in good order, we may even be ashamed to feel we have any problem at all. — Theodore Roszak, Where the Wasteland Ends

Cultural norms often lure us into a trance where, like zombies, we seek only to feast on whatever life-giving forms are in reach. 

Left unchecked, our society at large and we individually can easily devolve into spiritual dystopia, where people move about and speak and huddle together in clusters of cultural confirmation bias, but in reality they are walking dead, greedily shoving each other in competition to consume. 

This is precisely the character at large of the culture in the first century when John the Baptist first began crying out in the wilderness. And I submit your you that it is also the character at large of the culture in which we now find ourselves.

But there is a way to beat the system…

Source Scripture

Breathing Underwater: Matthew 3:1-12Mark 1:1-8Luke 1:80; 3:1-18


Twitter: @AwestruckPod


The Awestruck Podcast musical playlist 
(Apple I Spotify)