Just Right

Shall we hire a herald then… or shall I myself announce that… the best and most just man is happiest. Plato

Plato concludes his famous work Republic with this declaration by Socrates.  The entire work focuses on one central concept: justice, or righteousness. 

In fact, there are those who believe that the correct title of Plato’s work is not Republic, but On the Righteous Man

The Greek word at the heart of this 2400 year-old work is dikaiosune.  Sometimes it is translated justice. Sometimes it is translated righteousness. The reason for this juggling match is that English does not have a single word that encapsulates the intended meaning of Plato’s subject. 

An accurate translation might be as follows: harmony with purpose – what is right and good – within the soul and in relation to others.  

The concept of harmony is at the heart of this concept of justice or righteousness. It implies multiple musical notes played simultaneously that produce the sound that is “right”, not discordant or “wrong”.

Do this, say Socrates and Plato, and you will be the happiest person alive. 

Today we will examine a single statement of Jesus in which he not only sums up the entirety of Plato’s republic, but takes it a step further, inviting us all to sing in perfect harmony – and be our happiest. 

Source Scripture

Matthew 5:6Luke 6:21,25


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