Good News or Fake News?

When deeds and words are in accord, the whole world is transformed. Zhuangzi

In the world of cyber security, there exists a device known as a firewall. The firewall sits between the outside world and a company’s informational resources, sniffing every atomic particle of traffic asking to be let inside. It trusts nothing without examination. It is incessantly on guard,  executing thousands of rules aimed at keeping out the bad and letting in only the good. 

But as good as it is, the bad actors on the outside are sometimes better, and eventually, a Trojan horse slips through and brings down the business. 

You and I have our own firewall. We are incessantly alert, trusting no one and no news without careful examination. We cannot afford to allow anyone or anything inside that has any intentions beyond our best interests. Beyond truth. Beyond love. 

Like many businesses, we have been burned. We have allowed news inside that we later discover to be false. We have allowed people inside who we later realized just wanted to use us and then discard us. 

All these experiences convince us to harden our firewall. To the point where we even keep out truth. Where we even prevent anyone from coming inside because we are afraid that their motives and intentions are malicious.

The end result is confusion and loneliness. Skepticism. Mistrust. We become increasingly jaded. That firewall becomes a shield we carry, and it grows heavier and heavier until we can barely move through life at all. 

For those of us who need truth and love, we are too afraid to let it in. For those of us offering it, we find it increasingly difficult to get past those overreactive firewalls. 

There is only one way to deliver the payload of truth and love that will make it through these hardened defenses: a synthesis of words and actions devoid of selfish motives and replete with a longing to see the well-being of the recipient.

Today, we will encourage you how to relax your firewall to receive this payload – and how to be that payload for those in desperate need of it. 

Source Scripture

Matthew 5:1-2Luke 6:17-20


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