Crossing the Threshold

All beginnings are delightful; the threshold is the place to pause. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Genealogies have become a recent fascination with our society as science, history, and technology collide, giving us the newfound ability to traverse backwards through time and accurately trace our roots – the names and dates and places and relationships that all somehow worked together to culminate in our birth.

If you look at an unfamiliar genealogy, it may seem dry and uninteresting. But if it is yours and you have spent time in research, those names and places and dates and relationships connect and come to life, evoking your origin stories.

Today, we’re going to take what many would arguably call the dullest two passages of the New Testament – the two genealogies of Jesus – and bring the origin stories to life in a way that will leave you awestruck.

Source Scripture

Genealogies with Geographies: Matthew 1:1-17Luke 3:23-38


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Two Genealogies – Why are they Different?

The Story of Tamar

The Story of Rahab the Prostitute

The Story of Ruth

The Story of Bathsheba

The Story of Abraham and Isaac

The Story of David and the Threshing Floor of Araunah

The Story of Jehoachin and the Temple’s Destruction

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