Sight Unseen

The old debate between reason and revelation, reason and belief, continues up to the present day without either side suspecting that what is at issue is the activation within the being of man of an entirely new faculty of attention. Jacob Needleman

As the science vs. faith battle wages to determine who is right and what is real, what each can miss in this philosophical tournament is the opportunity to lift up their eyes and see beyond the coliseum that hosts it – and walk outside, leaving the weapons and armor of the game behind and embracing the search for being.

Science creates rules that govern and limit how we see. Faith, a term which once meant something much more, finds itself reduced by modern Western thought to nothing more than another set of rules, creeds, and systematic theology – a flattened version of what it really is.

Faith, in its essence, is not a set of rules. Faith is the confidence in what we hope for and the assurance of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1

Faith is knowing that the deepest, truest desires within us are real. This means that our longing for love, transcendence, meaning, purpose,  acceptance, and connection to the divine is not an unrealistic outlook. Faith gives us confidence that these desires are the most genuine thing about us.

And faith is the assurance that these longings, which cannot be seen with the eyes of objective consciousness, can be trusted to lead us to their fulfillment. And they can be trusted precisely because the divine, transcendent God who created us planted these inherent desires within us. He designed us with these invisible desires to seek Him so that he can fulfill them all in communion with him.  

And all we have to do is to see this truth in our spirit, accepting it by faith.

Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. Hebrews 11:6

Source Scripture

Matthew 6:1

Matthew 6:2-4

Matthew 6:5-15Luke 11:1-4

Matthew 6:16-18

Matthew 6:19-21Luke 12:33-34

Matthew 6:22-23Luke 11:33-36


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