Visionary Splendor

We have come to inhabit a hopelessly flat and prosaic and disenchanted world, even though it is anything but.  It’s not the world that has become disenchanted, but rather our collective perceptual habits of mind that have created filters that have all but blocked out the soul qualities that are there whether we filter them out or not. Jack Whelan

Where is God? If he is so real, why doesn’t he show himself? Where are the miracles? The irrefutable evidence? If God exists and he really is a God of love, why does he allow so much suffering? Why do those who claim to believe in God often seem to have so much hate for others?

All of these are valid questions, to be sure. 

If God is real and wants us to believe in him, why doesn’t he simply allow us to see him?

He does, but we have largely lost our ability to see.

One of the primary reasons we fail to perceive the divine is the increasing social demand that we constrain our powers of perception to only those allowed under the totalitarian jurisdiction of objective consciousness, where all that exists is reduced to the world of all objects outside of us and the reasoning power of one small object inside of us.

This new world order, which we might also call scientism, would explain the metaphysical away by definition, leaving us devoid of the divine and disoriented by disenchantment.

This oppressive force serves as a creeping, collective cataract that increasingly blinds our third eye.

Today, we will offer a surgical procedure to remove the cataracts of objective consciousness and restore divine sight to the those who long to see.

Source Scripture

Matthew 5:8


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