Hidden Treasure

There is eloquence in the tongueless wind, and a melody in the flowing brooks and the rustling of the reeds beside them, which by their inconceivable relation to something within the soul, awaken the spirits to a dance of breathless rapture, and bring tears of mysterious tenderness to the eyes. Percy Bysshe Shelley

The subject on which you choose to focus gives birth to the predicate that composes each sentence of your life’s narrative.

Focus on the oft-overlooked treasures pulsing in nature and your soul may stir, leaving you rapt and composing the poetry of the ages.

Focus on the money not present in your bank account and your ego will be in agitation, producing frustration within and self-centered wrecklessness without.

The subject of our focus is our choice. Which means the predicate we live is our choice as well. 

Today – we will focus on the hidden treasures all around us that offer themselves as the subject of our focus. To find them, we just need to dig.

Source Scripture

Treasuring: Luke 2:8-20


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Amazing Grace

Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate. Albert Schweitzer

Kindness is a divine force that moves people. Grace, a radical form of kindness, transforms.

Formally defined, kindness is intentional goodwill freely offered to another without an expectation of reciprocity. Grace is the demonstration of unmerited kindness, often in such a way that it involves great risk or is offered to someone undeserving.

The ego-centered life wrestles with kindness. It is cautious, determined to seek a return on its investment – if not from the recipient, then from a tax deduction or boost in reputation or the like. 

The ego even has trouble with receiving kindness, because it lives in suspicion of its obligations to return the favor. Each ego fears the expectations of the other.

And if kindness is rare, grace is impossible to the ego, because it sees no opportunity for return at all. To the ego, grace is nonsensical madness.

The soul-centered life thrives on grace because it is a natural tributary of the river of divine presence that flows from the God of the Universe through us and outward to others.

Today we will see multiple examples of amazing grace that invite us not only to observe, but to participate. 

Source Scripture

The Birth of Grace: Luke 2:1-7


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Email: info@awestruckpodcast.com


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Missing Person

Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don’t matter at all, because once you are Real you can’t be ugly, except to people who don’t understand. [Margery Williams, “The Velveteen Rabbit”]

Note in this beautiful metaphor that the real you is not connected to your physical self, and those who think it is don’t understand. That’s because the real you is also not connected to the ego’s way of thinking.

The search to find the real you should not have to wait until your body is aged and falling apart, but for many it does. Too often, it takes a lifetime of trial and error before we finally realize that the ego’s pursuits have not and will not produce any connection to the real.

You can’t find real fulfillment until you discover who you are. Until then, you’re a missing person. And you are missing personhood.

This is what Awestruck is all about – finding that missing person. And doing so requires a different focus – a different quality of attention – than we are used to assuming.  This quality of attention is centered on the soul and not the mind. And once we grasp that quality of attention – once we are awestruck – it opens the door to the journey. The hero’s journey to the center of you.

Why do we call it a hero’s journey? And where is this center of me of which you speak? And what’s this business about needing to be awestruck to begin? And where in the world is this podcast going?

In today’s episode, I will attempt to answer all of these questions.


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Opening Presence

A human being is a part of the whole, called by us “Universe,” a part limited in time and space. [One] experiences [oneself] . . . as something separated from the rest—a kind of optical delusion of [one’s] consciousness. . . . Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. —Albert Einstein 

Presence is what happens when we choose to bring the full attention of our soul to the soul of another – and the other does the same. In that moment, the two souls come together, creating presence: a tangible flow of spiritual intimacy. 

Creating and maintaining presence is not easy. It requires the full attention of our soul, – not our ego or any of its attachments.

The ego is full of self-promotion, self-defense, hidden agendas, hideous masks – and a host of other things only break presence. But the soul is raw, authentic, vulnerable, full of love and acceptance. You might say presence is what is birthed when two or more souls come before each other in only naked truth in the naked now.

The goal of today’s podcast is to help us open our presence to others, and, taking it a step further, to assist others in unfolding their own potential to open their presence as well.

Source Scripture

Preserving Presence: Matthew 1:18-25


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Wide-Eyed Wonder

He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed. – Albert Einstein

Wonder is a quality of attention that rises above and outside normal rational thought. And once we have wonder flowing through us, we find ourselves with access to its tributaries: love, joy, peace, gratitude, and many others. 

Today, in wide-eyed wonder, the goal is to get us through the wilderness of ego-driven attachments to that river. There, we can not only experience wonder in the present and future, but we can also reframe our past in a way that lets us reinterpret even the most painful moments through new lenses.

Source Scripture

Newborn Wonder: Luke 1:57-79


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JJ. Abrams Mystery Box (Ted Talk)

Yielding to Joy

Participate joyfully in the sorrows of the world. We cannot cure the world of sorrows, but we can choose to live in joy. – Joseph Campbell

Joy. We all want it. We chase it. We devise formulas to reproduce it. We do our best to seize hold of it.

But where is it?

Ask the wrong question and you will never find the right answer. 

Joy is not something we chase, or concoct, or grasp. It is something to which we yield. In order to experience it, we must let go of what thwarts it.

You don’t find joy. You yield to it and it flows through you. 

Source Scripture

Joy Flows When Souls Connect: Luke 1:39-56


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Brené Brown on Joy as Vulnerability

Letting Go

Attachment is conflating a true, soul-centered longing with an ego-driven desire for gain.

We conflate joy with pleasure and become addicts to people, places, or things.

We confuse peace and contentment with a state of mind and emotion and spend the day discontentedly manipulating the outward circumstances trying to arrive there.

Before we realize it, we are living our lives attached, or let’s just call it what it really is, shackled to these conflations that we are miserable.

And the only solution is letting go.

Source Scripture

A Young Woman’s Beautiful Example of Non-Attachment: Luke 1:26-38


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You don’t have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body.  – Author Unknown

Grasping this – and learning to live by its truth – is what we’ll call soul-centering.

An ego-centered life is like a black hole – everything is pulled towards itself. Nothing escapes. Not even light. It’s pure darkness.

A soul-centered life is more like a star – everything is radiating outward. There is only warmth. And light.This is how we’re meant to live.

Source Scripture

An Angelic Encounter: Luke 1:5-25

For Further Study

Living from the Center: Galatians 5:16-18


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Email: info@awestruckpodcast.com


The Awestruck Podcast musical playlist – each song correlates to an episode.